
Make your laughter matter

Sara Siipola

What is Nose Day?

Nose Day, Nenäpäivä, is celebrated so that every child in the world would have a chance to a good and safe life. Every year, the happy campaign invites Finns to support the world’s most vulnerable children. Nose Day is based on the idea that shared humor helps to deal with difficult things and having fun allows people to come together to make the world a better place. With Nose Day charity can be fun and bring a smile to your face.

Nine organizations reliably deliver Nose Day’s help

Nose Day’s assistance for those in need is reliably delivered by nine Finnish organizations whose long-term development cooperation projects support the world’s most vulnerable children in Asia, Africa and South America. Each organization has its own Nose Day projects to support children’s schooling, promote health, provide adequate nutrition, and create safe growing conditions. The expertise of the organizations ensures that the aid reaches its destination and that even a small donation can make a great difference.

Nenäpäivän järjestöt

What’s happening

Especially during October and November Nose Day is celebrated in Finnish schools, kindergartens, workplaces, companies, hobby groups and homes. Nose Day is also celebrated by the Finnish Broadcasting company YLE which raises money through many favorite programs and channels. The Finnish Nose Day operates by the license of the British Comic Relief and Nose Day resembles Red Nose Day in many ways.

Even a small amount makes a great difference

With your donation Nose Day supports children around the world.

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